Southeast Williamson County Road District 1

- Fiscal Year 2024 -
Tax Supported:
Revenue Supported:
Total Outstanding:
- Fiscal Year 2024 -
Tax Supported:
Revenue Supported:
Total Issued:

The fiscal year for the State of Texas runs from September 1 until August 31.

Unless otherwise stated, the data for each chart is as of the fiscal year stated above.

TIP: Click on the legend elements to focus the chart's display.

The chart above shows an annual trend of the total principal amount of debt outstanding for the Texas local government debt issuer and includes both tax-supported debt and revenue debt.

The chart above shows total debt service outstanding for the Texas local government debt issuer and includes a breakout of the principal and interest of current interest bonds (CIBs) compared to capital appreciation bonds (CABs). Note that most local government debt issuers do not have capital appreciation bonds outstanding. Also, included in the chart is an illustration of the projected annual scheduled debt service owed in the future until the final maturity date of all outstanding debt.